Like Kerbal Space Program? Then check out this book: Apollo. Or if you're more interested in the science behind spaceflight, you might like this: Fundamentals of Astrodynamics


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Package: C7 Flight Pack Version 2.15

Package Tags: Spaceplane

Description: We are proud to announce the addition of landing "Gear" to our lineup. Apparently we now know what happens when an immobile object meets an irresistable force, lots of explosions.


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Parameter Gear-C TVR-1180C Mk1 Stack Tri-Coupler
Cost 680 680
Manufacturer C7 Aerospace
Mass 0.02 0.8
Crash Tolerance 999.0 12.0
Maximum Drag 0.3 0.3
Max Temp 3400.0 3400.0
Fuel Cross Feed False True
Breaking Force 999.0 0.0