Like Kerbal Space Program? Then check out this book: Apollo. Or if you're more interested in the science behind spaceflight, you might like this: Fundamentals of Astrodynamics


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Package: C7 Flight Pack Version 2.15

Package Tags: Spaceplane

Description: Made of the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds.


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Parameter C7-CS-mk1 AV-R8 Winglet
Cost 500 500
Manufacturer c7 Aerospace Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc.
Mass 0.04 0.08
Crash Tolerance 12.0 12.0
Maximum Drag 0.5 0.0
Max Temp 3400.0 3400.0
Deflection Lift Coeff 0.4 0.4