Like Kerbal Space Program? Then check out this book: Apollo. Or if you're more interested in the science behind spaceflight, you might like this: Fundamentals of Astrodynamics


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Package: C7 Flight Pack Version 2.15

Package Tags: Spaceplane

Description: This tailfin has passed extensive modeling in our patented P.A.S system.(Paper Airplane Simulation). This fin has been blunted to prevent accidental dismemberment of installing technicians.


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Parameter c7-TF01 AV-T1 Winglet
Cost 500 500
Manufacturer C7 Aerospace Division
Mass 0.02 0.05
Crash Tolerance 12.0 12.0
Maximum Drag 0.5 0.0
Max Temp 3400.0 3400.0
Deflection Lift Coeff 0.3 0.3